Looking for a way to optimize your practice and start a long-lasting wellness routine? This comprehensive 30 day Customized Coaching Challenge is for you. From the initial assessment with Dr. Patti, to a customized protocol, nutritional and natural therapy support, Each day you will receive exercises assisting you to listen to your body, to the fluctuations in your mind, and energy and how to master to your breathing by tuning into your breath, different breathing techniques, quieting the mind, noticing areas of tension and discomfort in the body, and discovering tools to amplify your relaxation experience. You will also receive affirmation text messages, a gratitude journal and guided imagery and emotion regulation exercises, on-demand audio recordings, text and chat access and weekly monitoring by Dr. Patti, you will receive the coaching you deserve, with a focus on you and not the the chronic "dis-ease", from the comfort of your home or office. Due to the exclusive mature of this premium coaching program, membership is limited.Dr Patti only has 10 spots currently available.
You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app