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Meet Dr. Patti
The Lawyer-Doctor
and founder of Counsel-Care

Dr. Patricia "Patti" Wilhite McCartney, JD,ND, DAN, HHP, MH, LEHP, CWC

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Dr. Patti discovered the value of holistic health based upon her own "pain to purpose" journey, when she suffered life sculpting injuries as a college student. This journey eventually led her to obtaining her Doctor of Naturopathy, Doctor of Animal Naturopathy, and several certifications, including Master Herbalist, Holistic Health Practitioner, Wellness Coach, Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Neuroplasticty She is also a Natural Cancer Protocol Practitioner and has additional training in mind-body healing, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda.


As a licensed Texas attorney for more than 25 years, Dr. Patti understands the stressful demands and hectic pace that comes with navigating a legal practice. 


Dr. Patti is the author of "Lawyers with Legacies", and her articles have beennnong that offers a truly holistic approach. featured in various professional publications. She is a nationally recognized CLE Presenter on topics of attorney wellness, Dr. Patti's personal story has also been featured on the local news and in national magazines.


As the founder of Counsel-Care, Dr. Patti has combined her love of being a lawyer and her passion for evidence-based lifestyle wellness. By incorporating holistic health principles, and wellness coaching strategies Dr. Patti assists lawyers, law students and law firms achieve personal and professional wellness.


Based on her combined professional experience and training, Dr. Patti discovered a gap in estate planning when it came to addressing the wellbeing wishes of those who either incorporate or rely on complimentary alternative medicine. In response, she founded The Wellness Lawyer, which is the foremost provider and lawyer consulting company for quality of life advance planning. Dr. Patti  assists lawyers and law firms global to offer a more white glove experience to the wellbeing of their clients.


Dr. Patti enjoys spending her leisure time with her husband Scott, her dogs, Noble and Madeleine and sharing her love of all things herbal with her French mother.


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